TEFLON (PTFE) (Polytetrafluroethene)
PTFE is a fluoropolymer with high performance plastic processing.
| Fluroplastics | | Process by compression and sintering methods | | Wide service temperature range -200oC to + 260oC | | Resistance to virtually all corrosive chemicals with exception to fluorine, some fluoro-chemicals and molten alkaline metal | | Very low coefficient of friction | | Remarkable flame resistance (classified as a non-flammable material in air according to ASTM-D635 & D470 test procedures) | | Good mechanical properties with excellent fatigue resistance, especially in applications involving flexing and vibration | | Excellent dielectric properties (independent of both frequency and temperature) |
Seals, Rings, Gaskets, Friction plate/seats, Electrical isolation parts, Anti-corrosion, Mechanical components & parts, Lining
| Oil & Gas | | Petrochemical | | Chemical | | OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) |